Wednesday 25 January 2017

Meet The Sexy Graduate Who Makes Millions Of Dollars Just By Showing Off Her Massive Bum

Cam- girl Courtney Barnes , 32, is an Economics
graduate who decided to turn her back on the
industry after finishing her degree — so she
could make money showing off her 59 inch booty
on social media.
According to MirrorUK , Courtney Barnes had
decided to undergo three rounds of illegal butt
shots six years ago at what ’s known as a
“ pumping party ” in the US .
She ended up with a much bigger behind than
she expected , but the Internet star is now able to
use her sizeable assets to her benefit .
Speaking on her entrepreneurial endeavour , the
Economics graduate said:
“ One thing that I did learn in economics is that
it ’s about having a product that people want –
and my product is myself right now.
“ I want to show men, women, and children that it
is possible to be beautiful, smart, and have a big
ass .”
Courtney , also known as Miss Miami, initially
decided to have the illegal silicone injections after
working as a dancer whilst studying.
She admired the curvaceous figures of other
dancers and decided to enhance her own bottom
using the dangerous black - market methods.
“ It was a risk I was willing to take at the time and
I was lucky not to have any complications. I was
naive and I admit I didn’ t know what I was
putting in my body , but at the time a lot of women
in Florida were getting it done and I found a local
women who could do it. ”
The injections regularly contain unknown
substances as well as silicone, and are often
administered by people with no medical
expertise .

And if the substance is accidentally injected into
a vein, it can cause death within minutes as the
solution travels to the lungs . Courtney said :
“ Many people ask me ‘are these injections
dangerous ?’ And the answer is yes .
“ Even if it isn ’t fatal immediately you don ’t know
how it is affecting your body . These are very
dangerous products that are being injected.
“ I don ’ t know for sure what they injected me
with. But when I got it , she said it was like some
hydrogel , some kind of silicone that they normally
put in gummy bear implants .
“ You don ’t know how your body is going to react .
It is still something foreign that’ s in your body.
It ’s a gamble .
“ A close friend of mine got it removed and she
ended up having to have blood transfusions and
she was in the hospital for months . It was a
nightmare for her . ”
Courtney , who was a regular on the Miami club
scene, quickly became renowned for her sixty-
inch bottom. And after pictures of her began to go
viral, Courtney decided to monetize her online
fame .
Now Courtney has 379 ,000 Instagram followers
and is a successful model and cam-girl . But
despite her lucrative earnings , Courtney says
her huge posterior means that people don ’t take
her seriously and over- sexualise her .
“ My career is fun but at the same time it is really
difficult for people to take you seriously when it
comes to certain businesses.
“ I feel like having a really big butt or having
really big bosom , you are completely over
sexualized .
“ People only want to buy something sexual from
you and only want to consider you in that way
but I actually have a brain and I ’m very
business -minded .
“ People stare at me everywhere I go and not
every reaction is positive. I feel like women are
intimidated by me and men view me as a piece
of meat .
“ I’m actually quite a shy person and being looked
at constantly can make me feel uncomfortable
sometimes .
“ Two times in my life I’ve had guys pumping gas
at the gas station and they are watching me and
they drive off with pump in their car . It’ s crazy,
they just lose focus . ”
And as well as the negativity she feels due to
endless stares and constant attention , Courtney
admits her bum is starting to sag . She said :
“ My butt does not sit up as much as it used to
and I can see a little discoloration in the skin.”
Despite this , Courtney insists she will not have
any further injections and although she loves her
curves , she is considering getting her bottom
reduced in the future.

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