Charge your phone, light up appliances like fans, cellphones, computers, televisions with the new Mobile Electricity launched by MTN Nigeria and Lumos. Lumos, renowned solar architect and MTN, the Nigeria ICT giant, collaborated together in the bid to make lives brighter and meaningful especially for the families and businesses around the country.
This Mobile Electricity has been officially rolled out on the 20th of February, in Abuja. So with this service, there will be noise-free and fume-free for everyday use and conveniently pay with Airtime from MTN mobile phone.
Below is what CEO of MTN Nigeria, Ferdi Moolman, said concerning this service;
So this is the first of its kind Mobile Electricity comprises of a solar panel, phone charging accessories and 2 light bulbs, an indoor power unit and even comes with 5year warranty and can be purchased at MTN store nationwide.
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This Mobile Electricity has been officially rolled out on the 20th of February, in Abuja. So with this service, there will be noise-free and fume-free for everyday use and conveniently pay with Airtime from MTN mobile phone.
Below is what CEO of MTN Nigeria, Ferdi Moolman, said concerning this service;
“Our partnership with LUMOS was borne out of the need to provide safe, affordable electricity alternatives for Nigerians to uninterruptedly conduct their daily businesses. We at MTN value lives and the overall wellbeing of Nigerians and we’ll continue to put out initiatives that focus on providing life solutions,”
So this is the first of its kind Mobile Electricity comprises of a solar panel, phone charging accessories and 2 light bulbs, an indoor power unit and even comes with 5year warranty and can be purchased at MTN store nationwide.
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